SÉRGIO ELISEU | Memory Farmer 2023
Proportions | Development | Anatomy | Symmetry | Asymmetry | Dimensions | Diversity | Divergence | Generation | Growth
Agricultor de Memórias [Memory Farmer] was developed using virtual reality systems with haptic feedback questions how these technologies can relate to artistic production, specifically in the immersive construction of an interactive narrative.
With memory as its main theme, the experience focuses on a farmer who cultivates his memories, promoting a virtual visit to these memories that spring from the earth. Digital and temporal fragments of a space that was inhabited and worked on in the context of an artistic residency at the Cultivamos Cultura association, located in the village of S. Luis.
Keywords: Virtual reality, haptic experience, interactive narratives, memory.
Artist Bio
Sérgio Eliseu, Artist, Designer, PhD in Art and Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto; Master in Contemporary Artistic Creation from the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro; Degree in Art History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. Visiting Professor at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro; Adjunct Professor at ISCE Douro (Higher Institute of Educational Sciences): Penafiel, Porto. Visiting professor at IPCA (Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave), Barcelos. Senior Designer at TIMS, Funchal, Madeira. Coordinator of the Media, Art and Technology research line at CI-ISCE. Integrated member of ID+, Institute for Research in Design Media and Culture.