Proportions | Development | Anatomy | Symmetry | Asymmetry | Dimensions | Diversity | Divergence | Generation | Growth
Portraits and islands created from the AI mirror
Keywords: Ludic, AI, skin, perception
Artist Bio
Transdisciplinary artist, curator, director, producer and social fighter. Member of the National System of Art Creators 2010 – 2018, she directs the company Bioscénica, dedicated to creating and producing proposals that combine art, science and technology combined with the humanities for scenic and exhibition purposes; this year with the project Empathy 7/ Cenesthesia, anthropology of sensations.
He is part of the UNAM Arte+Ciencia Research and Creation group. Producer and Artistic Director of the project Mitochondria, immersion in the maternal lineage, Genetic mosaic in Mexico: a view from the arts.
She is producer, curator and director and collaborator of the Trans-disciplinary & Trans-National Art & Science Festival FACTT 2021 – IMPROBABLE TIMES, NFestival: Transdisciplinary Performing Creation Laboratory (2018), Transpiksel (2016), Efusion Performing Arts, Science and Technology (2015) and Liveness (2012), Telematic Dance Embodied in various Dramstad 58´ (2013), interdisciplinary concert El Sueño (2002-2003), Kalipherion experimental and contemporary music (1999-2004), Sol Ccalari (1995) and Mexicales (1993).
He belongs to the collective Xochimilcas Disidentes with the aim of giving back to the reconstruction of the social fabric through art and culture, with special emphasis on socio-affective processes.
Some of his latest creations are Alu*Cine or Eyelid Cinema, Orígenes, Empathy 7, El Abrazo META Teatro/360º interactive experience, a work commissioned by Teatro UNAM for the El Aleph Festival, Zaxhi or the expanded cadence, Empathy 5.2/Collective memory, Empathy 5.1/Techno-shamanic ritual for site specific.